Tsadikim - networking Charisma

Tsadiks :

  • Tsvi Hirsh Yoshua Horowitz, admor of the Nikolsburg (Nikolsburg) dynasty son of Shmuel Shmelke Horowitz,
  • Aleksander Yitzhak Horowitz of the Nikolsburg (Nikolsburg) dynasty son of Noah Pinhas Horowitz,
  • Shmuel Horowitz of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,
  • Yosef Yuska Horowitz, admor of the Volotshisk (Wołoczyska) dynasty son of Arie Yehuda Leib Horowitz,
  • Arie Yehuda Leib Horowitz, admor of the Volotshisk (Wołoczyska) dynasty son of Shalom,
  • Noah Pinhas Horowitz, admor of the Nikolsburg (Nikolsburg) dynasty son of Ya'akov David Horowitz,
  • Levi Yitzhak Horowitz, admor of the Nikolsburg (Nikolsburg) dynasty son of Pinhas David Horowitz,
  • Hayim Avraham Horowitz, admor of the Nikolsburg (Nikolsburg) dynasty son of Moshe Horowitz,
  • Pinhas David Horowitz, admor of the Nikolsburg (Nikolsburg) dynasty son of Shmuel Shmelke Horowitz,
  • Shmuel Shmelke Horowitz, admor of the Nikolsburg (Nikolsburg) dynasty son of Aleksander Yitzhak Horowitz,
  • Ruven Natan Note Horowitz, admor of the Nikolsburg (Nikolsburg) dynasty son of Shmuel Shmelke Horowitz,
  • Moshe Horowitz, admor of the Nikolsburg (Nikolsburg) dynasty son of Pinhas David Horowitz,
  • Ya'akov Horowitz, admor of the Nikolsburg (Nikolsburg) dynasty,
  • Ya'akov David Horowitz of the Nikolsburg (Nikolsburg) dynasty son of Tsvi Hirsh Yoshua Horowitz,
  • Avraham Moshe Igra, admor of the Nadvorna (Nadwórna) dynasty son of Arie Yehuda Leib Igra,
  • Arie Yehuda Leib Igra of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,
  • Yosef Ingerleib, admor of the Zlochov (Złoczów) dynasty son of Eliezer,
  • Dan Ingerleib, admor of the Zlochov (Złoczów) dynasty son of Yitzhak,
  • Meir Isaksohn, admor of the Nadvorna (Nadwórna) dynasty son of Shlomo Leifer,
  • David Isaksohn, admor of the Premishlan (Przemyślany) dynasty son of Yitzhak Mayer,
  • Meir Shlomo ha-levi Janowski of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,
  • Shmuel Józefów, admor of the Stepan (Stepań) dynasty son of Baruch Bentsiyon Józefów,
  • Baruch Bentsiyon Józefów, admor of the Stepan (Stepań) dynasty son of Yehiel Mikhl Yerusalimski,
  • David Tsvi Kabilinski of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,
  • Rav Kablinski of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,