Tsadikim - networking Charisma

Tsadiks :

  • Israel Yitzhak Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Shimon Kalish,
  • Simha Bunem Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Avraham Moshe Kalish,
  • Simha Bunem Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Mordekhai Menahem Mendel Kalish,
  • Yeremia Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Ya'akov David Kalish,
  • Shimon Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Mordekhai Menahem Mendel Kalish,
  • Avraham Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Menahem Kalish,
  • Menahem Mendel Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Simha Bunem Kalish,
  • Ya'akov David Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Israel Yitzhak Kalish,
  • Yehiel Hayim Israel Yitzhak Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Menahem Mendel Kalish,
  • Yosef Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Menahem Kalish,
  • Israel Yitzhak Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Shimon,
  • Yeshaia Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Ya'akov David Kalish,
  • Mordekhai Menahem Mendel Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Israel Yitzhak Kalish,
  • Avraham Moshe Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Simha Bunem Kalish,
  • Menahem Kalish, admor of the Vorka (Warka) dynasty son of Ya'akov David Kalish,
  • Arie Leibush Kaner, admor of the Rimanov (Rymanów) dynasty son of Avraham,
  • Ya'akov Israel Karp, admor of the Zlochov (Złoczów) dynasty,
  • Yitzhak Katan, admor of the Berdichev (Berdyczów) dynasty son of Moshe Hayim Efrayim Efrati,
  • Tuvia Katskes of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,
  • Nisan Katz of the None ( undynastic) dynasty son of Yeshaia,
  • Shmuel Kaufman, admor of the Kamionka (Kamionka) dynasty son of Avraham David,
  • Leib Kesler of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,
  • Zeev Wolf Kitses of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,
  • Hayim Moshe Kohen of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,
  • Matitiahu Kohn of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,