Tsadikim - networking Charisma

Tsadiks :

  • Yosef Barukh Gutschall, admor of the Radoshits (Radoszyce) dynasty son of Asher Anshel Gutschall,
  • Ya'akov of the Strikov (Stryków) dynasty son of Efrayim Fishl,
  • Benyamin Gutschall, admor of the Radoshits (Radoszyce) dynasty son of Asher Anshel Gutschall,
  • Pinhas Issakhar, admor of the Radoshits (Radoszyce) dynasty son of Eliezer Finkler,
  • Yitzhak Finkler, admor of the Radoshits (Radoszyce) dynasty son of Eliezer Finkler,
  • Natan Ya'akov Perl, admor of the Radoshits (Radoszyce) dynasty son of x,
  • Avraham Hayim, admor of the None ( undynastic) dynasty son of Gedalia,
  • Kalmish, admor of the Radoshits (Radoszyce) dynasty son of x,
  • x of the Radoshits (Radoszyce) dynasty son of Israel Yitzhak Baron,
  • Simha Bunem Bonhard, admor of the Pshiskha2 (Przysucha2) dynasty son of Tsvi,
  • Tsvi Mordekhai, admor of the Pshiskha2 (Przysucha2) dynasty son of Avraham Moshe,
  • Yoshua Uziel Weintraub, admor of the non-dynastic (Markuszów) dynasty son of Avraham Moshe Weintraub,
  • Avraham Moshe Weintraub, admor of the non-dynastic (Markuszów) dynasty,
  • Yehezkiel Halshtok, admor of the Ostrovtsa (Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski) dynasty son of Meir Yehiel ha-levi Halshtok,
  • Meir Yehiel ha-levi Halshtok, admor of the Ostrovtsa (Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski) dynasty son of Avraham Yitzhak,
  • Meir Olejarz, admor of the None (Zamość) dynasty son of Tsvi Olejarz,
  • Tsvi Olejarz, admor of the None (Zamość) dynasty son of Ya'akov,
  • Israel Moshe Lipshits, admor of the Gostynin (Gostynin) dynasty son of Yehiel Meir Lipshits,
  • Yehiel Meir Lipshits, admor of the Gostynin (Gostynin) dynasty,
  • Menahem Mendel Lipshits, admor of the Gostynin (Gostynin) dynasty son of Israel Moshe Lipshits,
  • Hayim Ya'akov Meir Różany, admor of the Grokhov (Grochów) dynasty son of Yosef Tsvi Różany,
  • Yeshaia Hanokh Henikh Barbar, admor of the Gostynin (Gostynin) dynasty,
  • Yosef Tsvi Różany, admor of the Grokhov (Grochów) dynasty son of Eliyahu ha-levi Landau,
  • Yehuda Różany of the Grokhov (Grochów) dynasty son of Hayim Ya'akov Meir Różany,
  • Ya'akov Moshe Turnheim, admor of the Volbozh (Wolbórz) dynasty son of Issakhar Dov Berish ha-kohen Turnheim,