Tsadikim - networking Charisma

Tsadiks :

  • Yitzhak Shlomo, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Shalom Shapira,
  • Yehiel Meir Shapira, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Shalom Shapira,
  • Hayim Shapira, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Shalom Shapira,
  • Arie Leib Shapira, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Shalom Shapira,
  • Ya'akov Yitzhak Shapira, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Shalom Shapira,
  • Ya'akov Shapira, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Avi Ezri Zelig Elazar Shapira,
  • Elimelekh Shapira, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Avi Ezri Zelig Elazar Shapira,
  • Naftali, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Avi Ezri Zelig Elazar Shapira,
  • Israel Shapira, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Hayim Yehiel Shapira,
  • Elimelekh Shapira, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Yeshaia Shapira,
  • Avraham Ya'akov, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Hayim Meir Yehiel Shapira,
  • Avi Ezri Zelig, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Yitzhak Mordekhai Shapira,
  • Avraham Ya'akov, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Yitzhak Mordekhai Shapira,
  • David Moshe, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Yitzhak Mordekhai Shapira,
  • Yitshak Meir of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of David Moshe,
  • Yosef Barukh, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Avigdor Shapira,
  • Avraham Elimelekh, admor of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty son of Israel Shapira,
  • Shlomo Arie of the Kuznits (Kozienice) dynasty,
  • hatan bato of Yekutiel Minz of Krasnobród of the Lentshna (Łęczna) dynasty,
  • Yoshua, admor of the Lenchna-Ostrov (Łęczna-Ostrów) dynasty son of Shlomo Yehuda Leib,
  • Shlomo Yehuda Leib, admor of the Lenchna-Ostrov (Łęczna-Ostrów) dynasty son of Barukh,
  • Shlomo Rotenberg of the Apt-Wolbrom (Apt2-Wolbrom) dynasty son of Yitzhak Menahem Rotenberg,
  • Avraham, admor of the Lenchna-Ostrov (Łęczna-Ostrów) dynasty son of Shlomo Yehuda Leib,
  • Meir Rotenberg, admor of the Apt-Wolbrom (Apt2-Wolbrom) dynasty son of Shmuel,
  • Ya'akov Yitzkah Rotenberg of the Apt-Wolbrom (Apt2-Wolbrom) dynasty son of Israel Rotenberg,