Tsadikim - networking Charisma

Tsadiks :

  • Dov Ber Schneersohn, admor of the Habad (Habad) dynasty son of Shneur Zalman,
  • Hayim Avraham Schneersohn, admor of the Habad (Habad) dynasty son of Shneur Zalman,
  • Shaul ha-kohen Schwarz of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,
  • Yehuda Leib Segal of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,
  • Asher Segal of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,
  • Shmuel Segal of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,
  • Yitzhak Aizyk Sfard, admor of the Ostrog (Ostróg) dynasty son of Ya'akov Yosef Sfard,
  • Alter Mordekhai Sfard, admor of the Ostrog (Ostróg) dynasty son of Eliakim Getsel,
  • Avraham Sfard, admor of the Ostrog (Ostróg) dynasty son of Ya'akov Yosef Sfard,
  • Ya'akov Yosef Sfard, admor of the Ostrog (Ostróg) dynasty son of Pinhas,
  • Ya'akov Yosef Sfard, admor of the Ostrog (Ostróg) dynasty son of Avraham Sfard,
  • Ya'akov Yosef Sfard, admor of the Ostrog (Ostróg) dynasty son of Eliakim Getsel,
  • Pinhas Shapira of the Korets (Korzec) dynasty son of Mordekhai Shapira,
  • Issakhar Dov Shapira, admor of the Korets (Korzec) dynasty son of Ya'akov Shimon Shapira,
  • Yehuda Meir Shapira, admor of the Korets (Korzec) dynasty son of Pinhas Shapira,
  • Yehezkiel Shapira, admor of the Korets (Korzec) dynasty son of Pinhas Shapira,
  • Shmuel Avraham Aba Shapira, admor of the Korets (Korzec) dynasty son of Moshe Shapira,
  • Pinhas Shapira, admor of the Korets (Korzec) dynasty son of Avraham Aba Shapira,
  • Avraham Aba Shapira of the Korets (Korzec) dynasty,
  • Shalom Issakhar Ber Shapira, admor of the Nadvorna (Nadwórna) dynasty son of Pinhas Shapira,
  • Pinhas Shapira, admor of the Nadvorna (Nadwórna) dynasty son of Shalom,
  • Pinhas Shapira, admor of the Anipoli (Annopol) dynasty son of Israel Avraham,
  • Arie Leib Shapira, admor of the Korets (Korzec) dynasty,
  • Shlomo Dov Shapira, admor of the Korets (Korzec) dynasty son of Shmuel Shapira,
  • Mordekhai Shapira, admor of the Korets (Korzec) dynasty son of Shlomo Dov Shapira,