Tsadikim - networking Charisma

Tsadiks :

  • Shmuel of the Berdichev (Berdyczów) dynasty son of Yehiel Ichel,
  • Avraham Mordekhai Rozenfeld, admor of the Mostisk (Mościska) dynasty son of Arie Leibush ha-levi Rozenfeld,
  • David Yitzhak Harif Bromberg, admor of the Krakov-Noyshtad (Kraków-Noyshtad) dynasty son of Ruven,
  • Avraham Yuzpa Lerman , admor of the Viskitki (Wiskitki-Krośniewice) dynasty son of Eliyahu Lerman,
  • Yitzhak Meir Alter, admor of the Ger (Ger) dynasty son of Israel Rotenberg,
  • Moshe Epstein, admor of the Krakov-Noyshtad (Kraków-Noyshtad) dynasty son of Ya'akov,
  • Aharon Epstein, admor of the Krakov-Noyshtad (Kraków-Noyshtad) dynasty son of Kalonymos Kalman ha-levi Epstein,
  • Kalonymos Kalman ha-levi Epstein, admor of the Krakov-Noyshtad (Kraków-Noyshtad) dynasty son of Aharon,
  • Israel Menahem, admor of the Pupa (Pupa) dynasty son of Yosef Grinwald,
  • Avraham Yuzpa Lerman , admor of the Viskitki (Wiskitki-Krośniewice) dynasty,
  • Yosef Grinwald, admor of the Pupa (Pupa) dynasty son of Ya'akov Yehezkiel,
  • Ya'akov Yehezkiel, admor of the Pupa (Pupa) dynasty son of Yosef Grinwald,
  • Eliezer Zusya Portugal, admor of the None (Sculeni) dynasty son of Israel Avraham,
  • Israel Avraham, admor of the None (Sculeni) dynasty son of Eliezer Zusya Portugal,
  • Eliyahu Lerman, admor of the Viskitki (Wiskitki-Krośniewice) dynasty son of Avraham Yuzpa Lerman ,
  • Betsalel Simha Bunem Benzion, admor of the Pshiskha (Przysucha) dynasty son of Yehiel Yoshua,
  • Yosef Barukh Epstein, admor of the Krakov-Noyshtad (Kraków-Noyshtad) dynasty son of Kalonymos Kalman ha-levi Epstein,
  • Shlomo Benyamin Ashlag, admor of the Ashlag (Ashlag) dynasty son of Yehuda Leib ha-levi Ashlag,
  • Arie Leibush ha-levi Rozenfeld (the second), admor of the Mostisk (Mościska) dynasty son of Avraham Mordekhai Rozenfeld,
  • Arie Leibush ha-levi Rozenfeld, admor of the Mostisk (Mościska) dynasty son of Ya'akov Yosef,
  • David Goldman, admor of the Praga (Praga) dynasty,
  • Israel Guterman of the Radzymin (Radzymin) dynasty son of Ya'akov Arie Guterman,
  • Yehuda Yerahmiel Guterman of the Radzymin (Radzymin) dynasty son of Levi Yitzhak Guterman,
  • Levi Yitzhak Guterman, admor of the Radzymin (Radzymin) dynasty son of Israel Guterman,
  • Ya'akov Arie Guterman, admor of the Radzymin (Radzymin) dynasty son of Shlomo,