Tsadikim - networking Charisma

Tsadiks :

  • Arie Leibush Lipshits, admor of the Vishnitsa (Wiśnicz) dynasty son of Hayim Asher,
  • Israel Meir Lipshits of the Vishnitsa (Wiśnicz) dynasty son of Hayim Dov Berish Lipshits,
  • Aharon Zelig Lipshits, admor of the Vishnitsa (Wiśnicz) dynasty son of Arie Leibush Lipshits,
  • Shmuel Yosef Lipshits of the Vishnitsa (Wiśnicz) dynasty son of Aharon Zelig Lipshits,
  • Avraham Brandwein, admor of the Stratyn (Stratyn) dynasty son of Yehuda Tsvi Brandwein,
  • Natan Note Dov Lipshits, admor of the Vishnitsa (Wiśnicz) dynasty son of Aharon Zelig Lipshits,
  • Ya'akov Lipshits of the Vishnitsa (Wiśnicz) dynasty son of Natan Note Dov Lipshits,
  • Arie Leibush Lipshits, admor of the Vishnitsa (Wiśnicz) dynasty son of Yosef Zakharia Menahem Lipshits,
  • Menahem Mendel Landau, admor of the Ciekhanov (Ciechanów-Stryków) dynasty son of Elimelekh Menahem Mendel Landau,
  • Yehuda Zanvil Lipschits of the Vishnitsa (Wiśnicz) dynasty son of Yitzhak Lipshits,
  • Shmuel Zanvil Brandwein, admor of the Stratyn (Stratyn) dynasty son of Mordekhai Petes,
  • Ya'akov Lipshits, admor of the Vishnitsa (Wiśnicz) dynasty son of Arie Leibush Lipshits,
  • Moshe Shlomo Lipshits, admor of the Vishnitsa (Wiśnicz) dynasty son of Arie Leibush Lipshits,
  • Moshe Lipshits, admor of the Vishnitsa (Wiśnicz) dynasty son of David Arie Lipshits,
  • Shmuel Ya'akov Kahn, admor of the Toldot Aharon (Shomrei-emunim Toldot Aharon) dynasty son of Avraham Yitzhak ha-kohen Kahn,
  • Barukh Avraham Lipshits, admor of the Vishnitsa (Wiśnicz) dynasty son of Issakhar Ber Lipshits,
  • Mordekhai, admor of the Berdichev (Berdyczów) dynasty son of Arie Yehuda Leib Liberson,
  • Shlomo Zalman Yosef Frankel, admor of the Vielipoli (Wielopole) dynasty son of Avraham,
  • Shlomo Zalman Frankel, admor of the Vielipoli (Wielopole) dynasty son of Avraham Frankel,
  • Yitzhak Tsvi Hirsh Schiff, admor of the Vielipoli (Wielopole) dynasty son of Wolf,
  • Yosef Hayim Frankel, admor of the Vielipoli (Wielopole) dynasty son of Avraham Frankel,
  • Meir Frankel, admor of the Vielipoli (Wielopole) dynasty son of Shlomo Zalman Frankel,
  • Refael Moshe Zonenband, admor of the Ciekhanov (Ciechanów-Stryków) dynasty son of Boaz,
  • Yosef Frankel, admor of the Vielipoli (Wielopole) dynasty son of Bentsiyon Frankel,
  • Mordekhai Zeev Sternfeld, admor of the Lublin (Lublin) dynasty son of Moshe Eliakim Bria Sternfeld,