Tsadikim - networking Charisma

Tsadiks :

  • Mordekhai Zeev Sternfeld, admor of the Lublin (Lublin) dynasty son of Tsvi Sternfeld,
  • Shlomo Eger, admor of the Lublin2 (Lublin2) dynasty son of Avraham Eger,
  • Ya'akov Yosef, admor of the Ostrog (Ostróg) dynasty son of Moshe,
  • Boaz of the None ( undynastic) dynasty,
  • Yitzhak of the Besht (Besht) dynasty son of Moshe Hayim Efrayim,
  • Ya'akov Landau, admor of the Ciekhanov (Ciechanów-Stryków) dynasty son of Avraham Landau,
  • Eliakim Getsel, admor of the Ostrog (Ostróg) dynasty son of Ya'akov Yosef Sfard,
  • Ya'akov Yehiel of the Besht (Besht) dynasty son of Moshe Hayim Efrayim,
  • Ya'akov Yosef, admor of the Ostrog (Ostróg) dynasty son of Yehuda Leib,
  • Eliezer Sternfeld, admor of the Lublin (Lublin) dynasty son of Tsvi Sternfeld,
  • Yehuda Leib Eger, admor of the Lublin2 (Lublin2) dynasty son of Shlomo ben Akiva Eger,
  • Yoshua Asher, admor of the Pshiskha (Przysucha) dynasty son of Meir Shalom Rabinowicz,
  • Moshe Shlomo Yehiel Biderman, admor of the Lelov (Lelów) dynasty son of David Yosef Biderman,
  • Yosef Yitzhak Meir Zinger, admor of the Aleksander (Alexander) dynasty son of Yehiel Menahem Zinger,
  • Nahman, admor of the Ostrog (Ostróg) dynasty son of Ya'akov Yosef,
  • Israel, admor of the Besht (Besht) dynasty son of Tsvi,
  • Moshe, admor of the Apt-Mezhibozh (Apt) dynasty son of Hayim Menahem,
  • Eliakim Getsel, admor of the Ostrog (Ostróg) dynasty son of Ya'akov Yosef,
  • Aharon, admor of the Besht (Besht) dynasty son of Tsvi,
  • Avraham Landau, admor of the Ciekhanov (Ciechanów-Stryków) dynasty son of Rafael Dobrzynski,
  • Dov Ber, admor of the Besht (Besht) dynasty son of Tsvi,
  • x of the Besht (Besht) dynasty son of Aharon,
  • Zeev Wolf Landau, admor of the Ciekhanov (Ciechanów-Stryków) dynasty son of Avraham Landau,
  • Yitzhak Menahem Rotenberg, admor of the Apt-Wolbrom (Apt2-Wolbrom) dynasty son of Alter Meir David,
  • Avraham Eger, admor of the Lublin2 (Lublin2) dynasty son of Yehuda Leib Eger,