Tsadikim - networking Charisma

Barukh Hager [044.017]

צ admor

Vizhnits (Kosów-Vizhnitz) dynasty

Resident of:

  • Wyżnica
  • Son of Menahem Mendel Hager, admor of the Vizhnits (Kosów-Vizhnitz) dynasty
    Married to Tziporah, daughter of Arie Leib Shapira, admor of the Korets (Korzec) dynasty

    He has 9 known son(s).
    Shalom Hager of the Vizhnits (Kosów-Vizhnitz) dynasty
    Hayim Hager, admor of the Vizhnits (Kosów-Vizhnitz) dynasty
    Moshe Hager, admor of the Vizhnits (Kosów-Vizhnitz) dynasty
    Shmuel Avraham Aba Hager, admor of the Vizhnits (Kosów-Vizhnitz) dynasty
    Yitzhak Ya'akov David Hager, admor of the Vizhnits (Kosów-Vizhnitz) dynasty
    Pinhas Hager, admor of the Vizhnits (Kosów-Vizhnitz) dynasty
    Shraga Faivish Hager, admor of the Vizhnits (Kosów-Vizhnitz) dynasty
    Yehiel Mikhal Hager, admor of the Vizhnits (Kosów-Vizhnitz) dynasty
    Israel Hager, admor of the Vizhnits (Kosów-Vizhnitz) dynasty

    He has 3 known daughter(s).
    →anonymous, undynastic, married to Shalom Yosef Fridman, admor of the Sadgora (Sadagura) dynasty
    →anonymous, undynastic, married to Mordekhai Hodorov, admor of the Chernobil (Czarnobyl) dynasty
    →anonymous, undynastic, married to Shmuel Dov , admor of the Vizhnits (Kosów-Vizhnitz) dynasty