Tsadikim - networking Charisma

Tsadiks :

  • Yitzhak Meshulam Zalman Reinman, admor of the Narol (Narol) dynasty son of Dov Berish Neumark,
  • Yosef Reinman, admor of the Narol (Narol) dynasty son of Yitzhak Meshulam Zalman Reinman,
  • Shalom Reinman, admor of the Narol (Narol) dynasty son of Yitzhak Meshulam Zalman Reinman,
  • Elazar Reinman of the Narol (Narol) dynasty son of Tsvi Hirsh Reinman,
  • Dov Berish Reinman of the Narol (Narol) dynasty son of Shalom Reinman,
  • Hayim Meir Yehiel Shapira, admor of the Narol (Narol) dynasty son of Dov Berish Reinman,
  • Shmuel Aharon Pardes, admor of the Stopnits (Stopnica) dynasty son of Mordekhai ha-levi Pardes,
  • Mordekhai ha-levi Pardes, admor of the Stopnits (Stopnica) dynasty son of Shmuel,
  • Dov Berish Staszowski, admor of the Stopnits (Stopnica) dynasty son of Mordekhai ha-levi Pardes,
  • Mordekhai Pardes, admor of the Stopnits (Stopnica) dynasty son of Shmuel Aharon Pardes,
  • David Staszowski, admor of the Stopnits (Stopnica) dynasty son of Mordekhai Pardes,
  • Shlomo Natan Pardes, admor of the Stopnits (Stopnica) dynasty son of Mordekhai Pardes,
  • Israel Ya'akov Staszowski, admor of the Stopnits (Stopnica) dynasty son of David Staszowski,
  • Meshulam Zusha Sternfeld of the Lublin (Lublin) dynasty son of Israel Horowitz Sternfeld,
  • Yitzhak Natan Note Sternfeld, admor of the Lublin (Lublin) dynasty son of Tsvi Sternfeld,
  • Shalom Sternfeld, admor of the Lublin (Lublin) dynasty son of Hayim Shmuel Horowitz Sternfeld,
  • Yoshua Heshel Sternfeld, admor of the Lublin (Lublin) dynasty son of Hayim Shmuel Horowitz Sternfeld,
  • Leibush Sternfeld, admor of the Lublin (Lublin) dynasty son of Eliezer Sternfeld,
  • Yehiel Aharon Sternfeld, admor of the Lublin (Lublin) dynasty son of Ya'akov Yitzhak Sternfeld,
  • Arie Leib Neuhaus, admor of the Khelm2 (Chełm2) dynasty son of Yosef Kezis,
  • Yosef Kezis, admor of the Khelm2 (Chełm2) dynasty son of Mordekhai Sirkin,
  • Yosef Neuhaus, admor of the Khelm2 (Chełm2) dynasty son of Arie Leib Neuhaus,
  • Israel Shmuel Neuhaus, admor of the Khelm2 (Chełm2) dynasty son of Arie Leib Neuhaus,
  • Moshe Yehiel, admor of the Ozharov (Ożarów) dynasty son of Avraham Shlomo,
  • Meir Neuhaus, admor of the Khelm2 (Chełm2) dynasty son of Yosef Neuhaus,