Tsadikim - networking Charisma

Tsadiks :

  • Meir Yehiel Neuhaus, admor of the Khelm2 (Chełm2) dynasty son of Israel Shmuel Neuhaus,
  • Israel Shmuel Neuhaus, admor of the Khelm2 (Chełm2) dynasty son of Meir Yehiel Neuhaus,
  • Yehuda Zindel, admor of the Khelm2 (Chełm2) dynasty son of Pinhas Neuhaus,
  • Pinhas Neuhaus of the Khelm2 (Chełm2) dynasty son of Yosef Neuhaus,
  • Arie Leibush, admor of the Khelm2 (Chełm2) dynasty son of Nahman Neuhaus,
  • Imanuel Weltfried, admor of the Pzhedbozh (Przedbórz) dynasty son of Yeshaia Weltfried,
  • Yeshaia Weltfried, admor of the Pzhedbozh (Przedbórz) dynasty son of Meir,
  • Avraham Moshe Weltfried, admor of the Pzhedbozh (Przedbórz) dynasty son of Imanuel Weltfried,
  • Arie Leibush Rabinowicz of the Radomsk (Radomsko) dynasty son of Shlomo Rabinowicz,
  • Yehezkiel Weltfried of the Pzhedbozh (Przedbórz) dynasty son of Imanuel Weltfried,
  • Yeshaia Weltfried, admor of the Pzhedbozh (Przedbórz) dynasty son of Avraham Moshe Weltfried,
  • Israel Weltfried, admor of the Pzhedbozh (Przedbórz) dynasty son of Avraham Moshe Weltfried,
  • Yitzhak Meir Weltfried, admor of the Pzhedbozh (Przedbórz) dynasty son of Imanuel Weltfried,
  • Hayim Weltfried, admor of the Pzhedbozh (Przedbórz) dynasty son of Imanuel Weltfried,
  • Yehiel Hayim, admor of the Ozharov (Ożarów) dynasty son of Yehuda Arie Leib ha-levi,
  • Yehuda Arie Leibush, admor of the Ozharov (Ożarów) dynasty son of Yehiel Hayim,
  • Yehuda Arie Leib ha-levi, admor of the Ozharov (Ożarów) dynasty son of Yehiel Mikhl,
  • Avraham Shlomo, admor of the Ozharov (Ożarów) dynasty son of Yehuda Arie Leibush,
  • Eliezer Yoshua, admor of the Ozharov (Ożarów) dynasty son of Avraham Shlomo,
  • Alter Moshe David , admor of the Ozharov (Ożarów) dynasty son of Yehuda Arie Leibush,
  • Tanhum Benyamin Beker, admor of the Ozharov (Ożarów) dynasty son of David Eliyahu,
  • Shmuel Bornshtein, admor of the Sokhachev (Sochaczew) dynasty son of Avraham Bornshtein,
  • David Bornshtein, admor of the Sokhachev (Sochaczew) dynasty son of Shmuel Bornshtein,
  • Avraham Bornshtein, admor of the Sokhachev (Sochaczew) dynasty son of Zeev Nahum Bornshtein,
  • Hanokh Henikh Bornshtein, admor of the Sokhachev (Sochaczew) dynasty son of Shmuel Bornshtein,